- If you ask most people what they would most like to improve about their skin, the answer will usually involve making the skin tone more even, clearing the complexion of flaws and imperfections. The ideal look for naturally healthy skin is a clear radiant even skin tone. When the skin is clear of blemishes it projects a natural healthy radiance.
Skin pigmentation can take the form of freckles, age spots or larger patches of discoloured skin. The most common form is hyperpigmentation, which is the excess production of the skin pigment melanin, appearing as localised patches, which are darker than the surrounding skin. The patches are typically non-raised, as the hyperpigmentation occurs beneath the top layer of skin.
Pigmentation can be caused by excess sun exposure, injury, post-inflammation/acne or hormonal changes. Laser and IPL treatment can help to reduce the appearance of many forms of pigmentation.
Laser and IPL can improve the appearance of:
- Darker patches
- Freckles
- Age Spots / Lentigines
- Sun spots
- Some brown birthmarks
- Marks left from scars